Spring Sunday Workshop
1:30 PM13:30

Spring Sunday Workshop

  • Upper Hall, St Michaels Church Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this workshop we will practice a mixture of standing, seated and inverted asana, looking at the actions in each posture to gain a deeper understanding and to experience the asana in new ways. The latter part of the workshop will include some restorative practice to rest the body after the stronger asanas, and to come into a quiet/meditative practice which is such an important part of our yoga practice as a whole.

This workshop is suitable for those with 2+ years of Iyengar yoga practice

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Yoga Kurunta: Iyengar yoga with wall ropes workshop 2
2:00 PM14:00

Yoga Kurunta: Iyengar yoga with wall ropes workshop 2

Using wall ropes in our Yoga practice is something many yogis may be less familiar with, due to a lack of access locally. Now, at Vishuddha, we are able to offer this wonderful part of the Iyengar Yoga method. In this workshop we will look at how wall ropes can help us to lengthen our spines in various postures, including inversions (alternatives can be given if inversions are not appropriate), and can take pressure out of wrists, neck and shoulders. We will also experience how this way of practicing can strengthen our bodies in different ways.

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Yoga Kurunta: Iyengar yoga with wall ropes
2:00 PM14:00

Yoga Kurunta: Iyengar yoga with wall ropes

Using wall ropes in our Yoga practice is something many yogis may be less familiar with, due to a lack of access locally. Now, at Vishuddha, we are able to offer this wonderful part of the Iyengar Yoga method. In this workshop we will look at how wall ropes can help us to lengthen our spines in various postures, including inversions (alternatives can be given if inversions are not appropriate), and can take pressure out of wrists, neck and shoulders. We will also experience how this way of practicing can strengthen our bodies in different ways.

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Poetry of the Heart: Meditation & Poetry Writing Workshop
to Jan 22

Poetry of the Heart: Meditation & Poetry Writing Workshop

The Realization Process is an embodied non-dual meditation practice which guides us home to our deepest selves allowing us to feel we belong in and are not separate from our world. This workshop is an invitation to explore meditation as a way to access your creative voice and poetry writing as an avenue of self expression.

Each session will include meditation practices and writing prompts exploring themes such as Meanings of Belonging, and Healing in times of Loss & Grief

The more we can live from a place of connection with ourselves and our world the more our creativity can thrive.

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Subtle Practices: Pranayama & Mantra with Sophia Argyris and Jacqueline Mangold
1:30 PM13:30

Subtle Practices: Pranayama & Mantra with Sophia Argyris and Jacqueline Mangold

As we deepen our yoga practice, we undertake a journey inwards from the experience of our "flesh and bones body" (stula sheriram) towards the deeper, less visible, experience our subtle body (suksma sheriram). This session with Iyengar teachers Jacqueline Mangold and Sophia Argyris explores ways of bringing our concentration to sattvic asanas, mantras and pranayamas, leading us to a more meditative practice.

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Autumn Sunday Workshop
1:30 PM13:30

Autumn Sunday Workshop

  • Upper Hall, St Michaels Church Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this workshop we will practice a mixture of standing, seated and inverted asana, looking at the actions in each posture to gain a deeper understanding and to experience the asana in new ways. The latter part of the workshop will include some restorative practice to rest the body after the stronger asanas, and to come into a quiet/meditative practice which is such an important part of our yoga practice as a whole.

This workshop is suitable for those with 2+ years of Iyengar yoga practice

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Summer Workshop
1:30 PM13:30

Summer Workshop

  • Upper Hall, St Michaels Church Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this workshop we will practice a mixture of standing, seated and inverted asana, looking at the actions in each posture to gain a deeper understanding and to experience the asana in new ways. The latter part of the workshop will include some restorative practice to rest the body after the stronger asanas, and to come into a quiet/meditative practice which is such an important part of our yoga practice as a whole.

This workshop is suitable for those with 2+ years of Iyengar yoga practice

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Sunday Workshop
1:30 PM13:30

Sunday Workshop

  • Upper Hall, St Michaels Church Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this workshop we will practice a mixture of standing, seated and inverted asana, looking at the actions in each posture to gain a deeper understanding and to experience the asana in new ways. The latter part of the workshop will include some restorative practice to rest the body after the stronger asanas, and to come into a quiet/meditative practice which is such an important part of our yoga practice as a whole.

This workshop is suitable for those with 2+ years of Iyengar yoga practice

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Sunday Workshop
1:30 PM13:30

Sunday Workshop

  • Upper Hall, St Michaels Church Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this workshop we will practice a mixture of standing, seated and inverted asana, looking at the actions in each posture to gain a deeper understanding and to experience the asana in new ways. The latter part of the workshop will include some restorative asanas to rest the body after the stronger asanas, and to come into a quiet/meditative practice which is such an important part of our yoga practice as a whole.

This workshop is suitable for those with 2+ years of Iyengar yoga practice

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3 Hour Workshop
1:30 PM13:30

3 Hour Workshop

  • Lower Hall, St Michaels Church Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this workshop we will practice a mixture of standing, seated and inverted asana, looking at the actions in each posture to gain a deeper understanding and to experience the asana in new ways. The latter part of the workshop will include some restorative asanas to rest the body after the stronger practice.

This workshop is suitable for those with 2+ years of Iyengar yoga practice

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Cancelled: Yoga & Meditation Retreat in Paros, Greece
to Sep 19

Cancelled: Yoga & Meditation Retreat in Paros, Greece

Join us for a week of Yoga, Meditation, and Pranayama on the beautiful Greek island of Paros. Each morning we will have a two hour asana class, and in the afternoon sessions we will work with quieter practices of Meditation, and Pranayama.  Wednesday will be a mostly free day, with a shorter restorative class in the morning. There will also be plenty of time to enjoy the beautiful Island and local beaches.

Prices include accommodation, teaching, 7 breakfasts and 7 vegetarian meals.

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Chant for Love & Peace: Kirtan & Bhakti Wisdom with  Rādhikā Dasa
4:00 PM16:00

Chant for Love & Peace: Kirtan & Bhakti Wisdom with Rādhikā Dasa

Please join us for the second Chant for Love and Peace, Oxford: a 3 Hour Kirtan and Bhakti Wisdom session with the wonderful Rādhikā Dasa and friends from Kirtan London.

All profits from this event go to the registered charity International Tree Foundation. ITF has been pioneering community led forestry restoration since 1924. With their projects partners in the UK and Africa they regenerate and restore forests, woodlands, and conserve habitats rich in biodiversity. They help communities who rely upon forests to develop prosperous and sustainable livelihoods.

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